Edgeworth Public School Preschool provides a quality educational program for children in the year prior to Kindergarten.
We offer places to two groups of 20 children, each attending a five day fortnight during school hours under the care of an early childhood trained teacher and a school learning support officer.
A child may be eligible for enrolment in the preschool from the beginning of the year if they turn 4 years of age on or before the 31st July that year. Waiting list applications are accepted from the beginning of Term 2 in the year before enrolment is sought.
Program and Practice
The Early Years Learning Framework ''Belonging, Being, Becoming'' guides the program through play based learning and intentional teaching. The program nurtures and supports the development of the whole child in social and emotional skills, language, thinking and problem-solving, early literacy and numeracy and physical skills.
The centre strives towards continuous reflection and commitment to quality practice as outlined in the National Quality Framework.
Useful links:
10 Top Tips for Parents of Children Starting Preschool