Edgeworth Public School

Desire to do well

Telephone02 4958 1831


Policies and Procedures

Educators at Edgeworth Public School Preschool are committed to ongoing improvement and progress towards the National Quality Standard. 

Accordingly, Department of Education policies and school procedures are documented which govern the administration and operation of the centre.  These are available for families to access and view on request at any time.

The following documents outline additional information with regard to the operation of the preschool. Each contains important information and should read through carefully.

Acceptance and refusal of authorisations (Uodated 8 April 2024)

Administration of first aid

Continuous improvement

Dealing with complaints (Updated 12 April 2024)

Dealing with infectious diseases

Dealing with medical conditions (Updated 8 April 2024)

Delivery and collection of children

Emergency and evacuation

Enrolment and transition


Governance (Updated 12 April 2024)

Incident, injury, trauma and illness

Interractions with children (Updated 12 April 2024)

Nutrition, food and beverages and dietary requirements (Updated 8 April 2024)

Payment of fees

Providing a safe environment (Updated 8 April 2024)

Safe arrival of children (Updated 8 April 2024)

Sleep and rest

Staffing (Updated 8 April 2024)

Sun protection


Water safety