Edgeworth Public School

Desire to do well

Telephone02 4958 1831


Student Use of Mobile Phones Procedures


This procedure guides the safe and responsible use of connected devices for students at Edgeworth Public School. Connected devices are those that receive a cellular signal (this includes smart watches with 4G/LTE connectivity).

Our school acknowledges the educational value of digital devices and online services in supporting and enhancing educational outcomes and student wellbeing. We also recognise they may cause harm if used inappropriately and that we need to support our students to use them in safe, responsible and respectful ways.


This procedure sets out the shared responsibilities of school staff, students and parents and carers. It also provides a framework to manage potential risks to student safety and wellbeing.

This procedure covers student use of connected devices in school-related settings, including on school grounds, at school-related activities and outside of school where there is a clear and close connection between the school and the conduct of students. This procedure covers the use of personal digital devices.

Student Use of Mobile Phones in Schools Procedure Access

Student Use of Mobiles Phones in Schools Procedures